Thursday, 17 January 2013

Silence - A wonder

Truth betrays trust
Yes, it sometimes does
Let your lips not move in grumbling
Let your mind not lose its cool
Let there be a guide

The empty chambers of Darkness
will give you warmth of wisdom
The stillness of your solitary conscience
Will help you break the prison
Let it help you look at peace

Shake hands with your self
Lose yourself, seek yourself
Silence soothes
Embrace it
Let it heal you with your own voice

– Vaishali


  1. That last stanza is an amazing bit of wisdom. Thank you for sharing.

  2. YOU shared a profound wisdom of growing among the darkness
    we have to embrace our view, our hope :D

  3. I need my time for silence to keep myself sane, this explores that need so well, wonderfully worded.

  4. Beginning lines of the second stanza are so true. Loved the ending. We can create and destroy our own destiny.

    1. Yes, Saru! It's amazing how much our destiny relies on us.

  5. This is very wonderful - a fount of wisdom. Lovely!

  6. Silence IS a wonder and a miracle.

  7. This is full of wisdom, welcome back after the break and.... a great one!

    1. Thanks, Sreeja! Will try to be a regular here, exams or no exams. :)

  8. The last para sums it all ... brilliantly done Vaishali :-)

  9. Beautiful lines.....esp loved the last stanza!

  10. Hi Vaishali,

    Seeing your post after a long time. :)
    Lovely poem. Indeed, only you can be your best friend, that's the best way to tackle most of life's problems. And to know yourself better, silence is the medium where you connect with that inner self. Profound post Vaishali :)


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    1. Long time, yes! Had been away from writing but I've promised myself to not shun it anymore.

      And thanks for putting the poem in such apt words. The truth, precisely. :)

  11. Replies
    1. Yes, sir! Will never take my words back on that. Thanks for reading! :)

  12. Yep, silence always soothes. Nice poetry.

  13. awesome one vaishali

  14. Good poem. Silence is golden. It is said that if you do not have anything to say, remain silent for it is best.

    1. True, Sir! Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts here. :)

  15. beautiful poem which seeks the questions and the paths. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Look deep into your soul
    Savor the spectacle of life
    Unspoken though it may be.
    A solitary dance towards inner peace.
    Silent, yet all too consuming.
    Overpowering the shadows
    That hides the wonder and color of your beautiful soul......

    I super love this Vaishali :) you have a gift.

    1. Wow Sheila, thanks so much for sharing your thoughts here. A beautiful, meaningful poem, yours is.

      And thanks again for appreciating... Coming from such a talented writer, it does mean a lot. :)

    2. @vaishali: There are only a handful of people and writers I admire. You are one of them. and Kriti too... You write beautifully. Your articles and posts are cohesive, concise, straight to the point and no-nonsense. You do not write to impress people with your words. I abhor those so called ones who try to use super *wow* and recently acquired vocabulary just to impress... To be an effective writer, one only needs to be true and sensitive and empathetic to the various emotions and situations of different people. Keep writing Vaishali. I am one of your fans.... Pyar, shanti, khushi mera dost :)

    3. OMG!! I'm so glad you think so, Sheila. I like to keep things simple. Never thought someone would actually notice it.

      But there is this thing I wanted to tell you - You are no less. I am in awe after reading your blog posts. Any compliment from such a brilliant writer is always, always welcomed. :P

      Thank you so much. :)

      AND your Hindi is good. :D Indian friends? ;)

  17. WOW! so beautiful poem Vaishali Jain. loved it. Indeed silence is the eight wonder. Could achieve a lot with expressive silence.


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